On Tuesday Mike and I returned from our trip to Ontario to visit his family. We had a really wonderful time. It was so good to see everyone and catch up with them. Made me miss living there and being closer to all of them.
We spent most of our time indoors, spending time with Mike’s parents, sibling, and grandparents, but on Monday Ruth took us out to Earl Rowe to wander around, and then to Gibson Hills to do some snowshoeing! While there really wasn’t a lot of snow for it, Ruth insisted that we cross at least one thing off my list while I was there, and it was a lot of fun.
First we went to Earl Rowe Provincial Park.
It was a lovely clear day. A little on the chilly side, but there wasn’t a strong wind, which made it more tolerable.
After we’d finished at the park, we went home for hot chocolate and warmed up before driving over to Gibson Hills to go snowshoeing!
22. Go snowshoeing
We really enjoyed the snowshoeing! Mike is finally convinced that he needs a pair of his own.
The following morning it was sadly time for us to go. Ruth dropped us off at the airport very early in the morning, and we were off to Calgary. I hope that it won’t be too long before we can visit again.
How deep was the snow? If you were wearing snowshoes on like several feet of snow, would it keep you up? Being from down south, being able to use snowshoes has never even occured to me. When I have my huge trip to Scandavia, I may have to add this to the list!
There was less than a foot of snow in our case, but in places it was deeper and you could tell that the snowshoes were doing what they were supposed to (keeping us from sinking). They are designed to be used on deep snow, and I highly encourage you to try it out if you ever get the opportunity 🙂
Also, thank you for your recent comments! Always appreciated.
– Cal