September 21, 2010 Book Review: The Canadian Hiker’s & Backpacker’s Handbook By Ben Gadd When it comes to hiking and backpacking, many books are written by and for Americans or Europeans. While that doesn’t discount any of those…
September 17, 2010 Link: How To Make A Survival Bracelet Recently I came across a set of instructions on the Backpacker Magazine website detailing how to make a survival bracelet. I had seen survival…
September 14, 2010 Article: The Top 10 Beginner Hiker Blunders – Part One Article courtesy of Backpacker Magazine Written by: Jason Stevenson, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Backpacking and Hiking The Top 10 Beginner Hiker…
September 13, 2010 New Gear: Evernew Titanium Cookware This morning I decided to order the Evernew Titanium Non-Stick DX3 cooking set. The set is made up of a titanium pot and frying…
September 12, 2010 Gear Review: The North Face Double Headed Toad 44 Vital Statistics: Gear Type – Tent Person – 4 Season – 3 Trail Weight – About 8 lb Floor – 54 square ft Vestibule…
September 9, 2010 Lake Luellen: Day Three – August 2010 Sunday morning was blessedly warmer than Saturday morning had been, and when we hauled ourselves out of our sleeping bags at 7:30 am there…
September 7, 2010 Lake Luellen: Day Two – August 2010 On Saturday morning around 6 am I reluctantly extracted myself from the warm cocoon of my mummy sleeping bag, in order to, um, answer the call…
September 6, 2010 Lake Luellen: Day One – August 2010 So our long-awaited and much-anticipated first-ever overnight hiking trip went off wonderfully. It was just Mike and I, and 36 km of heavily wooded…