May 31, 2021 Adventure, Baby! First Camping Trip Of 2021 – Brewers Campground I had heard positive things about the campgrounds at Aspen Beach Provincial Park, so when I saw availability there for late-May I booked us…
June 26, 2020 Adventure, Baby! Backpacking Baby Food Katrin has been eating solid foods since four months old (with her doctors approval) and she gets BIG MAD if we are eating and…
May 2, 2016 Valentine’s Weekend Winter Backpacking Mike’s birthday falls the day after Valentine’s, so typically I try to plan something fun and special to cover both of those occasions. This…
February 22, 2015 Recipe: Banana Leather (Flattened Dried Bananas) While researching our future hike of the Pacific Crest Trail, I kept reading about these flattened dried bananas from Trader Joe’s. Since we aren’t…
February 20, 2015 Gear Review: Fozzils Solo Pack Gear Type – Dishes Volume – 1.4 fl.oz. (Plate) & 600ml/20.4 fl.oz. (Bowl) & 350ml/11.8 fl.oz (Cup) Trail Weight – About 4 oz or…
November 5, 2013 The Primal Life: Roasted Kabocha Squash (Japanese Pumpkin) While perusing the grocery store recently, I came across a bin of mixed squash. The usual suspects: butternut, acorn, and spaghetti were present, but…
November 3, 2013 Mike Harvests His First Deer: What To Do With All This Meat? After our deer was gutted, skinned, and allowed to relax overnight in a bath of salted ice water, it was time to do something…
October 19, 2013 Pickling Turnips And Carrots From The Garden After all the success we enjoyed with our first, small foray into the world of gardening and the concept of urban homesteading, we had…
September 14, 2012 Recipe: Coconut Cashew Chicken Curry This is one of the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten on the trail (Mike concurs) and so I thought I should share this…